Images from ‘Dragon Tales at Prior’s Hall’

Here are some images from the recent ‘Dragon Tales at Prior’s Hall’ event, held in the Prior’s Hall in Durham Cathedral on 17 June. REED North-East would like to thank all of the staff, performers, volunteers and attendees (and of course the dragons!) for making this event such a success. All photo credits: Michael Baker.

Complete University Guide Rankings: Tooting One’s Own Horn

For the second year in a row, Durham University was ranked 6th overall in the Complete University Guide UK rankings, and 1st for English! Forgive the local team for the shameless self-promotion, but fellow REED members and enthusiasts can feel proud that the REED North-East project played its part. Here are the standings for 2020: […]

Images from the Meeting in the Middle Conference, 8th-9th April 2018

REED North-East editors David Klausner and Mark Chambers took part in the annual ‘Meeting in the Middle’ Conference, held 8-9 April 2018 at Longwood University in Virginia, hosted by Professors Larissa Tracy and Stephen Isaac. Dr. Klausner’s plenary on 9th April was entitled ‘Stage Management for a Crucifixion’, whilst Dr. Chambers spoke on ‘Serpents, Stags […]

Update (stop the press): even earlier plough ceremonies from Durham?

In an update to REED N-E’s earlier ‘Flower of the Month’, we’ve discovered that Durham might have even older evidence for plow ceremonies than those mentioned last week (see Epiphanytide in Medieval Durham). As mentioned in the previous post, accounts from several of the manor houses attached to Durham Cathedral Priory record payments to ploughmen and […]

Flower of the Month: Celebrating Corpus Christi in Medieval Durham

Today, 15 June, is the Feast of Corpus Christi. This feast, traditionally celebrating the ‘Body of Christ’ represented by the bread and wine of the sacrament of Communion, has been a highlight of the Christian calendar for nearly 700 years, and is still the premier feast day following the celebration of Easter. Special services will […]

More Photos from ‘Theatrum Mundi’

Here are some more photos from the Theatrum Mundi performances in Durham, 7-12 July 2016:                                               For more images from the performances, check out the Theatrum Mundi website at  

Video of Lewis Wager’s Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene

Following on from her presentation to the 2016 SITM/REED N-E Colloquium on 9 July, 2016, here is a link to a video of Betty Ellzey’s production of Lewis Wager’s Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene, staged by Shepherd University’s Rude Mechanicals Medieval and Renaissance Players (asst. by Jason McKahan): Here are some accompanying […]

Harrowing of Hell rehearsals

Rehearsals are gearing up for tomorrow night’s opening of “the oldest play in Britain”:  Lindisfarne’s Anglo-Saxon Harrowing of Hell! Come join us in St. Oswald’s for the world premier, and an exciting double-bill with Prior Lawrence of Durham’s medieval play of the Peregrini (‘Pilgrims’). Here are a few early (rather grainy) photos:

Durham Needs You! Help to Celebrate Our City’s Dramatic Traditions

Theatrum Mundi An International Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Drama Discover the legends of the North-East. Take part as actor, singer or dancer. Help us make a dragon. We are now casting for The Sacred and the Profane, a massive show which will be staged on Palace Green on 10 July 2016. It will feature […]