Podcasts on Early Performance in the North East

Our exhibition exploring some of the North East’s traditions and dramatic heritage was accompanied by free lunchtime talks given by experts from the Records of Early English Drama North East team. Podcasts of several of the talks are available below.

Professor John McKinnell Worms, stags and other folk performances
Dr Diana Wyatt Making music in the North-east: waits and minstrels around the region
Dr Mark Chambers Corpus Christi in Durham
Jamie Beckett A Funny Kind of Devotion? Laughter in the Biblical Drama of Late Medieval Towns and Cities
Gasper Jakovac Catholic recusants in performance
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/READDurham/playlists/festive-traditions-in-the-north-east/ width=100% height=180 hide_cover=1]