Diana Wyatt talks to BBC Radio Humberside about Medieval Music in Beverley

Over the new year, BBC Radio Humberside broadcast a special on medieval music in Beverley, focusing on music in Beverley Minster. REED N-E colleague and East Riding volume editor Dr Diana Wyatt contributed to the programme and offered comment on musicians in the Great Guild Book of Beverley.

Produced by Chris Arundel, the 55 minute programme was originally broadcast on 30th December and re-broadcast on 3rd January. It will be available to listen to digitally through the radio station’s website until the end of January. It features the history of medieval music in Beverley with contributions by John Peel and Barbara English, as well as performances of period instruments and pieces. To listen, go to BBC Radio Humberside’s website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03c79xq#play.

Diana Wyatt for BBC Radio Humberside

Dr Diana Wyatt and the Great Guild Book of Beverley

Musicians in Beverley Minster

Carving of musicians in Beverley Minster

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