REED Civic London Book Launch

REED Civic London volumes

REED: Civic London to 1558 [3 vol. set], ed. Anne Lancashire and David J. Parkinson (D. S. Brewer, 2015)

On Monday, 14th September, members of the REED N-E team attended the launch of Anne Lancashire’s monumental, 3-volume set of Records of English Drama: Civic London to 1558.


This gala event took place in the magnificent Skinners’ Hall, on Dowgate Hill in London, and was hosted by Professor John McGavin, Chair of REED’s executive board, along with Worshipful Company of Skinners, and their Master, the Honourable Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham.

Professor John McGavin, Chair of REED's executive board and host for the evening

Professor John McGavin, event host and chair of REED’s executive board

REED Civic London Launch Hon Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham 1

Master of the Skinners’ Company the Hon Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham introduces the event

REED Civic London Launch Hon Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham 3

Master of the Skinners’ Company the Hon Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham introduces the event









REED N-E project members Mark Chambers (photos), Diana Wyatt and Sylvia Thomas were in attendance, accompanied by Professor Alexandra Johnston from the REED head office. One of the evening’s highlights was the spectacular performance of John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers (ca 1427), which was directed by Professor Elisabeth Dutton and Professor Meg Twycross. Further photos of the event and the mumming are shown below.

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

Sylvia Thomas, Diana Wyatt and others, REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

Sylvia Thomas, Diana Wyatt and others, REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

REED Civic London launch, Sept 2015

Mappa Mundi - John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

Mappa Mundi – John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

Jupiter the Great - John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

Jupiter the Great – John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate's Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

John Lydgate’s Mumming for the Mercers, dir. Elisabeth Dutton and Meg Twycross

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